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Woordle NL

A captivating and fun word game, Wordle NL is based on the well-known Wordle game but is in Dutch. The game's objective is to correctly pronounce a word within a span of ten letters. The game provides visual feedback by using colored vaks to show how close the gok came to the correct word.

How to play the Woordle NL game:
The most important goal of the game is to correctly pronounce the word within ten strokes.

Every point puts the speaker in a position to recommend a word. The speaker must use a clear word as the gok.

- Color-coded recommendations: After each point is scored, the game provides visual feedback by using color-coded vaks to show how close the gok was to the correct word:

- Groen: The letter is at the proper location in the word.
The letter is present in the word, but at a different location.
- Grijs: The letter is completely missing from the word.
Spellings: There are a total of ten ways to vote for the correct word. Every time a new game is played, the colors of the vaks change to give players clues about the word.

Every day, a new word is presented for the player to choose from in the game's "New Wordle" feature. This daily element promotes variety and keeps the game engaging and playable.

Woordle NL was created as a fun and engaging word game for Dutch speakers. Spellers must use their word-schat and taal capabilities to select the correct word from the restricted set of possible choices. For word puzzle solvers and word game players, Woordle NL offers a stimulating and enjoyable experience with its color-coded instructions and daily updates. Woordle NL offers a fun way to interact with words and have a memorable gaming experience, whether you are currently a mother tongue speaker of Dutch or are learning the language.

Category and Tags

Word GamesDaily gameswordlenoodle wordlewordle-spielnew york times wordlewoordle6wordle unlimited with friendsinteractive wordlegibt es wordle auf deutsch

Disscuss Woordle NL

Wordle 6 Letters
Word Hurdle
Daily Codeword
Globle game
The Daily Cryptic Crossword
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