Arkadium's Codeword
Arkadium's Codeword
Codewords are crosswords with no clues! The letters are replaced by a number instead. The same number represents the same letter throughout the puzzle. Your objective in this game is to decide which is represented by which number. In the beginning, the game will reveal the codes for two or three letters. So, thanks to these letters that will stay entered throughout the puzzle, you should have enough information to start guessing words and find the numbers of other letters. All you need is your mouse to play this game, so to enter a word, just click on the square in which you want to begin typing. The yellow color will represent the selected square, and then click on the letter you think is the correct letter that should be in that square. All the other squares with the same number will be filled in automatically. Don’t forget! You can always restore the puzzle to its original state by clicking on the restore button. You can also reveal the correct letter for the currently selected square by clicking on the reveal letter button. Have fun!