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Wordle-inspired logic game Unlockle has a distinctive unlock mechanism. In this game, your objective is to use logic to identify a pattern—similar to a smartphone lock screen—in just six trials.

How-To Operate
Finding a design that mimics the home screen of a mobile device is the aim of Unlockle. You have to join five straight lines in order to win. As long as there isn't an invisible dot separating two dots, they can be linked to each other.

To enter your pattern, you can either swipe the full pattern at once or press or click the dots one after the other. The entered pattern and suggestions showing how near it is to the right answer are shown after each turn.

The pattern's dots will be colored to indicate which ones are correct:

Green denotes correctly positioned dots.
For dots that are in various places but still belong to the answer, use yellow.
For dots that are not present in the solution at all, use nil color.
You may keep track of your attempts by going over your previous attempts' courses. This will help you avoid making the same mistakes twice and wasting rounds.

All previous attempts are shown in order when the least difficulty level is selected, making the game simpler. That being said, success is not assured. When you start a new game on standard difficulties, the path from the previous try is initially displayed and then changed with the new path. The dots from the earlier attempt still have their original hues.

In hard mode, your previous path is hidden and the dot colors stay the same. To succeed, you will need to remember the order of all your efforts, even the last one. You can go to the easy mode in the settings menu if you're having trouble with the game.

Category and Tags

Word GamesDaily gamesWordle unlimitedwordlefacedle unlimitedUnlockle appUnlockle gameUnlockle wordsUnlockle wordleinvisidle

Disscuss Unlockle

Wordle 6 Letters
Word Hurdle
Daily Codeword
Globle game
The Daily Cryptic Crossword
Wordle Calcle
The Daily Mini Crossword
Wordle 7 Letters
Spelling Bee
The Daily Jigsaw