David Turner developed Semantle, a definition-based search game that deviates from all other word game categories. Your grade is determined by how well your hypotheses match the target word as you develop them. A higher score will emphasize warmer guesses in green, while a lower score would render colder guesses colorless.
How precisely is similarity assessed? The Semantle-area is created using Google's word2vec database, which arranges words according to how they are typically used (referred to as their "semantics") in a sizable area.
The daily word in Semantle won't be simple to understand; it's difficult! Come compete and show off your Semantle skills with your family and friends.
How to Play
Semantle offers a certain number of guesses, just like other word games. Every attempt must be a word. How semantically linked your term is to the hidden word can be determined using Semantle. Unlike the other word game, this one is about the meaning rather than the spelling.
There are 100 possible levels of resemblance. (indicates that you won and that the terms are same). In practice, it is closer to -34 than -100, which is the theoretically lowest figure.
There is a "Hint" button (to the left of "Give up") at the bottom of your list of guesses. You won't obtain a phrase that is much better than one of your best estimates unless you have properly predicted every word in the nearest thousand aside from the target word.