Le Mot
Le Mot
One of the most romantic languages spoken today is French. Le Mot assists you in expanding your vocabulary whether you are a novice or a native speaker of French. This French version enables you to play classic Wordle!! games in a language other than English if you are multilingual and can communicate in at least two languages.
Tips And Tricks
What you say first matters. Use a language that contains as many different letters from the game's language as you can, whether it be English or French. Avoid terms with "unusual" letters as well because they are particularly difficult. The most common letter in French words is E, according to a study of all the French terms used on Wikipedia in 2008. A, I, S, N, R, and T came next in that order.
Start your sentences in French with a five-letter word, such as Saine, Sante, Tiens, or Senat. The word "saine" should always be your first word because it contains the five most often used French letters.
How To Play
Le Mot is identical to that in Wordle!! but in French. A random five-letter word is chosen each day. You have six opportunities to understand it. Each time you try to find the word, the letters' color will change based on how near you are.