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Asphalt Retro

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Asphalt Retro

With Asphalt Retro, you can go back in time! Jump into an 8-bit racing world and make your name. Face off against pros, race through moving traffic, and get away from the police helicopters that are after you! Let's get in the time machine and see what your favorite cities looked like back then.

In this old-school racing game, you drive your high-end racing car through the city at sunset while police sirens blare behind you. You can choose from some of the most famous places in the world, pick a car from your garage, and move up the scoreboard by finishing laps in first place. In this world, you can make money from every risk you take. You can make money from the scratches you get when you drive fast, the police cars you crash, and your wanted level. Just keep turning left and right to avoid the dangers that are coming. Get the boosters to fill up your nitro or get rid of the stars you don't want. If you draw too much attention to yourself, a police helicopter that can use electric attacks could follow you. Move quickly left and right to avoid these attacks, and keep your attention on your opponents. Follow the arrows to get ready for your turns, and if you win, you can see new places.

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