OMG Word Pop
OMG Word Pop
There are so many letters in the alphabet, and they tend to get mixed up. There are 50 levels in this game for you to complete, so you better start now. At the outset, only the first level is available, but you can unlock the rest as you play. In a level, you'll see letters in the middle of the screen. You can either click on the letters in the correct order or click and drag your mouse over them to form words. Just below the letters, you can see the blanks where the words will go. You earn points based on your attempts. At the top of the screen, you can see the star bar. Each of your mistakes will reduce the bar, so try your best to find the words with as few mistakes as you can. Feeling stuck and can't figure out the hidden words? Below the screen, you can click on the hint button to reveal letters. You must spend your points to use this feature, and you can see your current points in the upper left corner of the screen.